
Albino Avery


A true Unique white Albino strain from Cambodia genetics even the spores are white on this true power house of a rare fungus.

Starting Dose: Take 1g and wait for 3 hrs Onset Time: 45-60 mins

Duration: 4-5 hrs

Medium Strength Level

It is believed that a Cuban geneticist discovered this particular variety of cubensis after dedicating years of research on varieties and mutations in psilocybe cubensis A+.


It has a long-lasting physical high. It’s a magical mushroom for experienced consumers due to its intense and quick come-up effects.


users experience mood-elevation, euphoria, and excitement within ten to thirty minutes after the use. Depending on your dosage level, you can experience mild to intense visual improvements.

CAUTION! It is strongly advised not to drink alcohol while taking magic mushrooms. That’s ANY kind of booze, yes even beer. If you are on any anti-depression medication you are best to be very careful with your dosage. Ironically, SSRIs (Selective Seratonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) tend to also inhibit the effects of psilocybin, often blocking the psychoactive effects of taking shrooms completely. 

Always keep your dried magic mushrooms in a dry and dark spot at or close to room temperature as exposure to either light or heat will reduce the effective amount of hallucinogens, while any moisture getting in can result in molds and other nasties contaminating your shrooms, making them dangerous to consume. So very important to keep 100% dry. 

***ALWAYS Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

  • A true white strain from Cambodia genetics even the spores are white on this true power house not exactly known who is responsible for this rare fungus.
  • Not much is known on the original growth of this strain but we do know it’s history is Cambodian by decent.
  • These effects can be mid level to very high and with great visual effects. It’s a sure shot to a amazing close eyed trip and one of the staffs personal favourites.
  • Dosage suggested use: would start at around 1-2 grams. 2 grams should be enough for most people to feel some effects, but nothing overpowering. A higher dosage would begin with 3 or more grams, and exceeding 4 grams can be quite the journey of a hero’s dose.
If you purchase this product you will earn 0-3 Bud Bucks worth of $0.00-$3.00!
If you purchase this product you will earn 0-3 Bud Bucks worth of $0.00-$3.00!
SKU: ALBINO-AVRY Categories: , ,

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1/4oz, 1/2oz, 1oz